Problem Solving:
Convergent problem solving - the ability to gather individual pieces of information together in one’s mind and come to a single solution to a problem.
Divergent problem solving - the ability to gather many pieces of information and consider a variety of possible solutions to a problem.
Number Sense:
The concept of understanding numbers will help children to understand the connections between quantities, counting, more, less, etc.
Shapes are also known as early geometry! That’s right…what is geometry but the study of shapes? At this age, rather than work with formulas for diameters and circumferences, they will identify basic shapes by comparing, sorting, classifying and drawing them.
Spatial Sense:
Spatial sense is the ability to place items in the correct spaces or places using a logical design or a pattern. As an example, we see this when children are working on puzzles.
When ordering or seriating items, the child compares more than two items or groups and places them in a logical sequence, like lowest to highest, smallest to largest, first to last. Eventually, they will come to understand that 6 is higher than 5 or 20 is higher than 10.
Patterns are the ability to place items in a specific order that repeats, such as: patterning a pompom caterpillar in an AB pattern—yellow, blue, yellow, blue; patterning the children in a line—boy, girl, boy, girl.
There are 2 types of counting children will learn:
Rote Counting- reciting numbers in order from memory.
Rational Counting- is counting items in a group and then understanding that the last number stated IS the amount for the set.